Nov 23, 2023

Finding balance in life

There are so many competing elements in life. Juggling life, managing stress and maintaining perspective has been a huge development area.

Finding balance in life

There are so many competing elements in life.

Juggling life, managing stress and maintaining perspective has been a huge development area.

For myself, some key things:

  • Building a deep relationship with my wife, Bec;
  • Having our first daughter,  being part of her growth (she’s 20 months old now), with Bec also working full-time.
  • Building and expanding on meaningful relationships with people around us.
  • Growing a business and team from the ground up
  • Staying physically active
  • Enjoying the world, etc.
I have found there are three simultaneous feelings:
I’m well behind schedule and want to grow so much more to have so much more impact.
I’m proud of how far I’ve come and what has been accomplished.
I can’t be anywhere else but where I am, and I’m so grateful for what I have.

Maintaining perspective across these planes has been really useful. It allows me to be present and enjoy the moment whilst still being deeply motivated to push myself further. It is so easy to lose perspective when things get busy.

A few things that have helped me:

  • Prioritising sleep is number 1 when I allocate time for the week.
  • Daily journal and weekly reflections.
  • 20-minutes of meditation daily. We have now set up a daily meditation practice in the office, which has been powerful.
  • Lifestyle data tracking (Oura ring).
  • Having great people around me helps me to gain perspective.
  • Regular exercise. I plan to do an average of 20 minutes per day. I struggle with this the most at the moment.

I’ve attached a short video with some data that shows the impact of these different things on my Heart Rate Variability (HRV). HRV is seen as a reflection of stress levels; click here to read more.