Joshua del Rio

Joshua del Rio

Building a community of like-minded people to achieve amazing things..


I am Josh, my purpose is:

Building a community of like-minded people focused on elevating our approach to life to be able to impact the things we care about and have fun in the process. Essentially, do things you love with people you care about, and enjoy yourself in the process.

My Story

I’m born in Australia, half Chinese and half Spanish. I’m a first-generation Australian. My mother is Chinese from Brunei, a small Southeast Asian Country of 300,000 people, predominantly Malay Muslim, whereby the Chinese are the minority and generally Christian. My Father is Spanish from a small town near Madrid. They both met at college in Melbourne University. I'm the middle child with two brothers. We're all 22 months apart and have always been close with many shared friends. From a young age the values of hard work, community, and understanding different cultures was instilled in me.

My path was not conventional. From hands-on work in my family's vineyard, playing semi-professional soccer from the age of 16, to studying Commerce and Science at University, to a rapid ascent in a prestigious Australian Hedge Fund, my experiences have been varied. I rose from a trainee trader to Deputy CEO in 8 years. I moved into senior management at the age of 26 so most of my career was in the boardroom, this exposed me early on to the challenges of running a business, building teams, and managing people.

This triggered a deep obsession with psychology and a passion for learning how to bring people together to build something.

My wife Rebecca del Rio and I wanted to elevate our lives, take a risk and chase a dream. We wanted to break free of these imaginary shackles we had. I asked the question; would it be possible to start a business that didn’t do anything in particular? It was about bringing together like-minded people that cared about each other and wanted to build something, and the specific thing was irrelevant.

Almost every business starts with money as the primary objective, we viewed this as the by-product of being great at what we do but not the purpose. So, we set out to take a different approach. To invest in people, to share with people, so that if we ever achieve great success, it brings us together it doesn’t push us apart. So that the level of wealth reflects the opportunities and scale of impact we can have. It isn’t the barometer of our success; it isn’t how we determine our self-worth.

We played around with what to call this Company, its purpose was to elevate life and eventually we landed on Elco, the shortened version of Elevation Corporation.

This led to the purpose of Elco being defined as doing things we are passionate about, with people we care about, and having fun in the process.  

Life becomes a lot easier if you surround yourself with positively motivated symbiotic people.

My intention is to build a safe yet demanding community that aligns individual's journeys with a collective higher-level journey.

Currently I focus my time helping our people and businesses maximise their impact and achieve their goals.

We can turn any moment into a memory if we have intention.

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