Alex King

Alex King

To connect like-minded people and build a community with purpose.


I am Alex, my purpose is:

To connect like-minded people and build a community with purpose.

My story

I grew up in a small country town just outside of Dookie, Victoria, with a population of roughly 200 people. I was the youngest of 3 and my parents ran a livestock farm.

Farm life is a big open world which started my sense of adventure, but also comes with responsibility. Even at young age, you must put in, nothing is given to you & you are a part of something. This really gave us all a sense of hard work, community and the role you can play.

I started  my professional career studying and working in Logistics/supply chain. I was never wedded to any particular role, I was simply learning as I went on, but I began to realise that it’s more about how I can align my intrinsic motivators to what I do is where I would flourish.

I was a bit lost at this point, I did personality tests and started speaking to people to try understand myself. What I was doing didn't feel right. This gave clarity, I’m very much an extrovert and people person that led me down the sales path which I really didn’t see coming.

I’ve always been a “why not?” kind of person. My risk appetite is quite high and always willing to try something new. Through a sequence of events, I found myself living at the most random flat mate finders in Richmond. But one person took upon themselves to be a mentor to me and introduced me into the world of agency recruitment.

4 years later, after rising in the ranks and being a consistent national performer for the agency. I found myself in the same position, asking myself “am I happy?”

In order to test this I actually started my coaching business on the side which had great success. I loved every moment of it, and I felt a rush of excitement, it became apparent that money wasn’t everything and that happiness for me is building something.

Soon after this I met Josh & Bec who became close friends. The lens they look through, their values and Elco’s principles resonated with me. Shortly after we co-created Ploomo & LedgeRec and the rabbit hole into Elco began.

It’s coming up to 3 years here and I’m so grateful for everything, the learning, the high’s & the lows. This is an exciting journey to apart of!

My focus is with Ploomo and how can connect our amazing solutions to business leaders around the world.

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